EasySecure.cloud - Security & Hosting

EasySecure.cloud - Security & Hosting

EasySecure International is committed to safety and security of your data. We therefore opt for the best security and work together with the best hosting parties and the latest technologies. EasySecure is ISO 27001 certified. 

The image below shows a schematic representation of a LAN environment with a number of our scanners that connect to the IdentySoft cloud software. In this article we offer you more information about the local communication (LAN) within your network and we tell you more about the hosting and security of our software.


The EasySecure software is hosted in the Cyso data centers. Below is some brief information, all information can be found on the Cyso website: www.cyso.com

  1. Dutch company founded in 1997.
  2. ISO 20000, ISO 27001, NEN 7510, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001; PCI DSS; ISO 14001 certified
  3. 3 geographically and redundant separated tier4 data centers
  4. All data is stored in the Netherlands
  5. Only certified and screened employees.
  6. 24 / 7 Extended Managed Services
  7. Worldwide connectivity with various tier1 providers
  8. Continuous security check
  9. Continuous check on infrastructure
  10. No single point of failure
  11. Various fallback scenarios available

In the image below you can find an overview of the network infrastructure of EasySecure. Both the databases and the web application are highly secured and both implemented redundantly. In the unlikely event that a server or database cannot be reached, a backup is immediately available so that the software is always available.

By using a load balancer we always choose the fastest route for the action that you want to perform. Is there a lot of traffic via web1? Then the load balancer will automatically send you via web2 to the desired page.


Unfortunately, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have now become a fact of life. More and more organizations are confronted with this. To be able to project yourselves again this regular network equipment is usually no longer sufficient or not good enough. The use of specialist equipment is essential.

The DDoS mitigation service from Cyso keeps our servers and applications available during attacks; whether they are aimed at a server, network, DNS system or application. Cyso uses specialized equipment that is specifically intended to detect, isolate and absorb these types of attacks, so that our services are not affected by this. The DDoS protection works out-of-the box, provides highly detailed real-time and historical insight into traffic, protects against many types of attack types and monitors global trends to be able to analyze current situations.



Of course we want as many people as possible to use our software, but the resulting crowds can also have a negative impact on the performance and availability of IdentySoft. We naturally want to prevent that. Fortunately, potential overloading and component failure can be prevented and dealt with through the use of intelligent load balancing and content delivery solutions that are specifically tailored to our applications and services.

Some examples:

  1. Distribution of connections based on underlying capacity
  2. Smart distribution of incoming connections
  3. Automatically detect failure or overload
  4. Limit the number of connections per server / application
  5. Caching of content on the load balancer

By using a load balancer we always choose the fastest route for the action that you want to perform. Is there a lot of traffic via web1? Then the load balancer will automatically send you via web2 to the desired page.


Misuse of your data by malicious parties is a serious threat that must be prevented. We naturally take the right measures to ensure that our software is well protected.

With a firewall you can check how contact can be made with your platform and systems. But a regular firewall cannot or hardly check whether there are strange deviations in traffic via the permitted channels. By using Application Firewalls and Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems, Cyso can check the content of the traffic in much more detail. It is not only possible to filter and block traffic based on IP address and port traffic, but also on protocol and application level.

By using Layer 7 filtering and DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) it is possible to detect and block malicious data traffic based on patterns (such as SQL injects, XSS, malware and viruses). It is also possible to check the content of the data traffic in order to detect whether malicious parties are attempting to abuse potential vulnerabilities in an application or system. Cyso offers various solutions based on specialist equipment to make this possible.


To create clearer frameworks for the correct use of your services and applications, Cyso offers solutions for specific security profiles. For example, we use our own VDOMs in which rules are drawn up that correspond to the characteristics of your services. With a VDOM we have a dedicated, independent virtual security appliance. Each VDOM contains its own interfaces, security profiles, routing, administration and many other options.
Do you still have questions about security, communication and encryption within IdentySoft? Take a look at the related articles or contact us. We are happy to assist!

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