EasySecure.cloud - How does the webservice work?

EasySecure.cloud - How does the webservice work?

We believe in the ‘best of breed’ solutions. What does this mean? There is a huge diversity of excellent software available for different sections. For instance, consider the best HR package, the best scheduling package etc. Since the full acceptance of cloud, ‘Best of Breed’ solutions are without a doubt the best solutions for organisations. Now, each organisation can select the best solution for each section (HR, Scheduling, Time Tracking, Access). By integrating these, you achieve an ideal solution with perfect synergy. 

EasySecure International opts for integration and so delivers the perfect package. You select the best solutions specifically focussed on your type of organisation. As a result of the integration options, this produces a well coordinated solution.

In the Windows period, this could result in high costs and lengthy periods of implementation. The use of cloud and your conscious choice for EasySecure International, which works with more than 50 leading cloud partners (number continues to grow), makes implementation fast, manageable and affordable. It offers you optimum results and systems that fit together seamlessly. Examples of integration include scheduling, HR, alarm systems, lockers, key cupboards and camera events.

For this reason we have developed a webservice which is available for all our EasySecure customers. The webservice makes it possible to easily communicate with the EasySecure software. You can send the user data towards our software and you can retrieve all log data and actions from the software.
Below you can find more technical information regarding our webservice. If you want to know more about the integration possibilities, if you have questions regarding the webservice or if you want to retrieve the security code feel free to contact us!

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