EasySecure.cloud - How does the list of User-Scanners work?
you are logged into your area is on the left the IdentySoft menu will be
visible. By pressing the» or «icon button to the menu, you can expand further.
Once you pop up the menu, the descriptions are visible. By clicking on the
˅ icon or by clicking on the name itself, you can use the various menus to
expand further to the submenus. Depending on the rights that the account
has you will see certain menus or not.
the menu ' Reports ' with the
sub heading 'List
of User-Scanners '
is this way. Under the heading ' List of user-Scanners ' you can see
which users have acces to which scanners.
When users choose the user that you want to know to which scanner he/she has
access. Would you like to see all users, then put the little button All Users
to Yes
Then click on the ' View ' button to run a report as you see
in the image below

Do you still have questions?
Our support department is available to help:
+31(0)85 015 0000
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