BioStar 1 Data Migration
BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool allows you to migrate user data and event logs from BioStar 1.x into BioStar 2.

• BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool is available on PCs with BioStar 1 and BioStar 2 installed.
• BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool supports data migration from BioStar 1.9 or later to BioStar 2.6 or
• BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool is available only on 64bit operating system.
• When migrating data using BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool, existing users stored in BioStar 2 will be
deleted except for user 1.
Migration for user data
BioStar 1.x to BioStar 2.x Migration Tool allows you to migrate user data from BioStar 1.x into BioStar 2.

• Back up the databases of BioStar 1 and BioStar 2 and proceed with data migration.
• BioStar 1 and BioStar 2 cannot be run simultaneously. Migrate the data when BioStar 2 is running.
• Migrate the data in an environment where you can access to BioStar 1 database.
1 Go to [C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\biostar-migration].
2 Run run_migration.bat with the administrator privilege. The listening on 3100 message is displayed in the cmd
3 Run BioStar DB Migration from the Chrome Web browser. Or run the Chrome Web browser and enter
localhost:3100 in the address field.
4 Click User
Biostar 2:
Enter the BioStar 2 server information to transfer user data.

• Protocol: Select the type of protocol.
• Server: Enter the server address.
• Port: Enter the port number.
• ID: Enter the login ID.
• Password: Enter the login password.
After completing the settings, click Test Connection to check that BioStar 2 is properly
Biostar 1:
Enter the BioStar 1 database information.

• DB Type: Select the type of database.
Depending on the type of database, the items that can be set vary.
• Auth: Select the auth type of database.
• Server: Enter the server address of BioStar 1.x Database.
• Database: Enter the name of database.
• Port: Enter the port number.
• User: Enter the user name registered when creating the BioStar 1 database.
• Password: Enter the login password registered when creating the BioStar 1
After completing the settings, click Test Connection to check that BioStar 1 database is
properly connected
You can select the user data to migrate.
• Card: Select the card data format you want to import. You can select CSN Only or
26bit Widand Only. Click None if you do not want to import card data.

Cards enrolled in the format of Custom ID or Card ID in BioStar 1 will
be migrated by converting them to 26-bit SIA Standard-H10301 format,
regardless of data format, if they are within the Wiegand card support range.
Wiegand card support ranges are as follows.
• Custom ID: 0-255
• Card ID: 1-65535
• CSN Type: Select the Byte Order used in BioStar 1 between MSB or LSB. This option
appears only when you select CSN Only on Card.
• Profile Image: Select whether or not to migrate the profile image registered to the
• Image Path: Enter the path where BioStar 1 saved the user’s profile image. This
option is available only when True is selected on the Profile Image.

The default path that saved images for BioStar 1 is [C:\Program Files (x86)\
BioStar\server\Image File].
Click Migrate User to transfer user data.

When the migration is complete, a pop-up window appears showing the migration result. Click OK